Conservation Status of Fish, Wildlife, and Natural Habitats in the Northeast Landscape

RCN Topic
Regional Indicators and Measures

To encourage conservation and cooperation among states, this project synthesized data from multiple sources to reveal ecological patterns and the current condition of species and habitats in the Northeastern region.  We summarized the regional conservation status of each key habitat and species target by overlaying information on the location and condition of the target with information on conservation land ownership and management. Because the wildlife action plans in most States identified loss of habitat due to degradation, conversion and fragmentation as the primary problem impacting Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in their states, this report serves as a powerful first-step, and a solid platform, for developing the more ambitious product described by the workshop participants. Production of this report has also facilitated collaboration, developed a sense of teamwork and brought into focus the regional context of the individual state wildlife reports. The results of this project were enhanced through the merger with an additional RCN Project, Regional Indicators and Measures: Beyond Conservation Land.  Together these projects, completed in September 2011, produced one final report, available below. For more information or to download individual chapters, visit ConserveOnline.

Implementation of the Northeast Monitoring Framework

Publication date